Please submit new officers following election. List the current mailing address, telephone contact numbers (with area code), and email address(es) for each officer.

Click here to download a PDF version of this form. If you choose to complete the form using the PDF version, please mail a copy to Civitan International Headquarters. You may also email to WHQ at

Report of Civitan Club Officers 2024-2025

Club Officers for 2024-25 (term beginning October 1, 2024)

Executive Officers

All four required for Club In Good Standing per CIP 0304 (officers may serve in more than one role)
President Mailing Address
President-Elect Mailing Address
Secretary Mailing Address
Treasurer Mailing Address
Some or all of the officers listed above are living with I/DD, and request special accomodations for club officer training.
Check the box below if true, and the person completing this form will be contacted by the membership department. Please certify as the person completing this form, that you have communicated with these officers and they self-identify as living with I/DD, and request these accommodations. Traditional Club Officer Training is always available for any officer with I/DD who wishes to train in that way.

International Dues Billing

International Dues Billing Statements should be mailed to:(Required)
Email is required for billing contact digital billing to be received.
Does the club have a PERMANENT club mailing address? (Physical clubhouse, P.O. Box, etc.,)?
This should NOT be a member's personal or home address.
If you answered yes above, please enter the club's address here:
This should NOT be a member's personal or home address.

Additional Officers

Not required for Club In Good Standing
Public Relations Chair
Social Media Chair Name
Coin Box Chair Name