International Board of Directors
Civitan International is governed by a group of elected Civitans made up of 10 members from across the United States, with guidance from clubs in at large countries like Canada, Germany, South Korea. The board meets at minimum three times a year to address strategic planning, policy creation and revision, and other matters. Please feel free to reach out to your respective board member with any questions or concerns.
Need to contact a board member at Civitan International?
Call 1-800-CIVITAN or click the “Contact Us” button to request additional follow up from our team.
International President: Michael Morgan
Michael Morgan was elected as the 2023-2024 International President-Elect at the 2023 Civitan International Convention in Indianapolis, Indiana. Michael became a Civitan in 2010 and quickly became involved in his local Civitan club. He is a recipient of the Appalachian District Honor Key, Volunteer ACTION Civitan of the Year and Civitan International Junior Civitan Fellow Award. He is a member of the Volunteer ACTION Civitan Club, where he has held numerous offices including treasurer, president and president-elect. He has also most recently served on the Civitan International Board of Directors. As Civitan’s president-elect, he is encouraging members to embrace the things that have made Civitan what it is today such as living the creed as members, providing service to those in need, learning from each other along the way and enjoying some fellowship with each other and those we serve. Michael shares he will listen to all of the thoughts, concerns, and solutions to challenges from members to ensure the organization best serves those who need assistance. Michael is self-employed and married to Civitan Past International President Kendyl Massey. Michael and Kendyl love to travel in their pastime.

International President-Elect: John Sofley
John Sofley joined Civitan in 1987 and has been heavily involved throughout the years. He has been a member of the Salisbury Civitan Club (President, President-Elect, Director), North Carolina District West (Director, Governor, Governor-Elect, Past Governor), Region Three Director, Senior Director, and the Region Three Member Development Chair. He brings to the board extensive prior board experience with local, state, and international organizations working as a team. This knowledge will provide the basis for working with the International Board to seek new opportunities for sustainability—both with membership and financial. He is encouraging all Civitans to work together and seek out new members to join this great organization! He is retired from governmental financial management and is married to Pamela Sofley. They have three sons, one daughter, three grandsons and two granddaughters!

Immediate Past International President: Dee Hutsler
Dee Hutsler was elected as the 2022-2023 International President-Elect at the 2022 Civitan International Convention in San Antonio, Texas. Dee joined Civitan in 1994. He has served as Club President of two Clubs receiving the Distinguished Club President Award both times. He is a past Distinguished Governor of the Alabama Central District and has received honor keys from his club, his district, and the International Honor Key. Dee served as International Senior Director in 2013-2014. He is a Master Club builder and has helped build over 9 Civitan Clubs and one Junior Civitan Club. He has sponsored over 80 people into Civitan. Most recently, Dee helped build the new Lake Martin Civitan Club. He is also a past Civitan of the Year for his District. Dee is married to fellow Civitan Paula Tate Hutsler and they have one daughter and two grandchildren. Professionally, Dee is a lawyer and has practiced in Birmingham, Alabama for 38 years. He has donated his time helping many Civitan clubs in his District to incorporate and keep in compliance with Civitan Bylaws. In his spare time, Dee fiddles with his 1972 Corvette, sings karaoke and makes homemade ice cream.

Emily Hodges
Leeds, Alabama

Region Two Director
Bonnie Ruth
St. Petersburg, Florida
Region Three Director
Chuck Bowman
Salisbury, North Carolina

Region Four Director
Kendra Wormley
Newport News, Virginia
Region Six Senior Director
Patti Belote
Adrian, Michigan

Region Seven Director
Grace Farmer
Bartlesville, Oklahoma
Region Eight Director
Andrew Wheeler
Scottsdale, Arizona

Junior Civitan International President
Sean Lane
Executive Vice President
Mark Eisinger
Martinsburg, West Virginia