Award Year: FY2024 (October 1, 2023 – September 30, 2024)

Due Date: December 1, 2024

Award Type: 1st Place: Physical Award + Banner Patch; 2nd Place: Banner Patch; 3rd Place: Banner Patch; awarded at International Convention

Award Summary:
This award recognizes a club’s efforts to partner with their local Junior Civitan Club to carry out a service project, fundraiser or other event or campaign. The goal of this award is to increase relationships and strengthen interaction and coordination between junior and adult Civitans in one local area. An award winner in this category should be able to demonstrate how the success and impact of the project or event was increased thanks to a collaborative effort between generations.

Specific Award Criteria:
Region and International Awards Judging Committees will use the criteria below to evaluate and score applications. 

  • Spirit of collaboration
  • Innovation/Creativity
  • Club Enagagement (involves high percentage of both junior and adult members)
  • Activities carried out

Judging Process:
Applications from each region will be submitted to Region Awards Committee for evaluation. Winners will be chosen for each region. 1st place winners from each region will be forwarded to an International Awards Committee who will then select 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place at the International level from among the region winners.

Application Information:
You are encouraged to utilize the 2023-2024 International Competitive Awards PDF brochure to compile and compose your answers in Microsoft Word or another document, and then copy and paste into the award application below when your submission is complete and ready. You will not be able to partially fill out the form and return later, it must be completed in one sitting. 

ONLY electonic submissions using the form below will be accepted. Applications submitted by mail or e-mail will not be considered.

Click here to download 2023-2024 International Competitive Awards PDF Brochure


Outstanding Junior/Senior Club Partnership Award Application 2023-2024

Applicant Information

Adult Club President for Award Year (10/1/23-9/30/24)
Application Completed By:

Junior/Senior Partnership Information

Please describe in detail what activities were carried out in collaboration with the junior club, when they were carried out, how they were carried out, etc.)
Please describe in detail the adult club's efforts to engage juniors in the planning and execution of the activity

Adult Club Engagement

Junior Club Engagement

Additional Information

For example, photos, project flyers, brochures, marketing materials, local media coverage, etc. We encourage you to place multiple photos in one document for upload. Up to 10 files allowed.
Max. file size: 32 MB.