Award Year: FY2024 (October 1, 2023 – September 30, 2024)

Due Date: December 1, 2024

Award Type: 1st Place: Physical Award + Banner Patch; 2nd Place: Banner Patch; 3rd Place: Banner Patch; awarded at International Convention

Award Summary:
This award recognizes a club’s effort to communicate effectively with its members using efforts including but not limited to: club newsletters, club websites, and club social media. The main goal of these efforts should be keeping club members well-informed of club activities, meetings, events, upcoming dates so that all members feel in the loop. Communications should be well-planned, regularly scheduled, and well formatted. Outstanding club communications also means the club is regularly updating member contact information, and surveying members on what type of communication is preferred.

Not all methods of communication are required to be eligible for this award (email, website, social media), please complete the sections that are relevant to your club’s communication efforts.

Specific Award Criteria:
Region and International Awards Judging Committees will use the criteria below to evaluate and score applications. 

  • Frequency of communications
  • Quality of communications
  • Content of communications

Judging Process:
Applications from each region will be submitted to the Region Awards Committee for evaluation. Winners will be chosen for each region. 1st place winners from each region will be forwarded to an International Awards Committee who will then select 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place at the International level from among the region winners.

Application Information:
You are encouraged to utilize the 2023-2024 International Competitive Awards PDF brochure to compile and compose your answers in Microsoft Word or another document, and then copy and paste into the award application below when your submission is complete and ready. You will not be able to partially fill out the form and return later, it must be completed in one sitting. 

ONLY electonic submissions using the form below will be accepted. Applications submitted by mail or e-mail will not be considered.

Click here to download 2023-2024 International Competitive Awards PDF Brochure


Outstanding Club Communications Award Application 2023-2024

Applicant Information

Club President for Award Year (10/1/23-9/30/24)(Required)
Application Completed By:(Required)

General Communications Information

What avenues does the club use to communicate with its members?(Required)
Max. file size: 32 MB.
Has the club conducted a survey of its members in the last year to determine their preferred method of communication?(Required)

E-mail/Newsletter Information

Please complete this section only if it is applicable to the type of communication your club uses. All types/sections are not required for application submission.
Distribution Frequency
How often are e-mails/newsletters pushed out to members?
Mail, personal e-mail, e-mail service such as MailChimp, etc. Please describe.
Drop files here or
Max. file size: 32 MB, Max. files: 12.

    Club Website Information

    Please complete this section only if it is applicable to the type of communication your club uses. All types/sections are not required for application submission.
    Content Update Frequency
    How often is the website updated?
    Does the website adhere to Civitan International Branding Guidelines as outlined in the Civitan International Branding Kit?

    Social Media Information

    Please complete this section only if it is applicable to the type of communication your club uses. All types/sections are not required for application submission.
    What social media platforms does the club use?
    Does the club's social media adhere to Civitan International Branding Guidelines as outlined in the Civitan International Branding Kit?

    Additional Information

    Max. file size: 32 MB.