What is an Associate Member? 

The Associate Member Program is one of the many ways Civitan International makes it possible for you to become or remain a part of our wonderful organization. The program is specifically designed for individuals who move to areas where there are no Civitan Clubs, those which experience family obligations or job demands which restrict community or club involvement, or any number of other limiting circumstances an individual may experience. The program, however, is not designed to replace, affect or compete in any way with active club membership, since club involvement is the lifeline of the organization. Associate members are simply that: associated with a cause they believe in, but are unable to actively participate in. 

Associate Member dues are $36.00 per year, and include access to Civitan Magazine distribution, Civitan International and District Mailings and Communications, buying priveleges at Civitan Supply House, opportunity to network with Civitans from around the world at Civitan International Convention, but not voting rights. 

Use the form below to renew your annual Associate Membership, OR create a new Associate Membership.