Thank you for your service to your club, your community, and to the world through your work as a Civitan club president-elect. You are needed, you are valued, and you are important. Your community is made better because of Civitans like you. The world is made better because of Civitans like you. Civitan is made better because of leaders like you.

2024-2025 Civitan Club Officer Training opens September 9th, 2024. 
All training must be complete by November 30th, 2024. 

All Civitan Club presidents, presidents-elect, secretaries & treasurers, whether new or returning, are required to complete an officer training every year, by the published deadline (November 30th), per International Policy 0304: Civitan Club in Good Standing. A Civitan Club which is not in good standing loses its International Elections voting delegates and rights, as well as Honor Club eligibility. 

Officers participating in training MUST match officers reported for the 24-25 year for a club to be certified. Any changes to reported officers should be submitted to WHQ using this form.


  • The secretary training video is approximately 30 minutes in length.
  • You may start and stop the video at any point.
  • You may leave the system and return at any point.
  • You do not have to complete the video and certification quiz on the same day.
  • Civitan University is operated through an online learning management system called “Blue Sky”. Emails you recieve after registering for Civitan University will come from Blue Sky.
  • If you participated in Civitan University last year, you may sign back in to the system using the same account information.


  • If you are serving as both secretary and treasurer for your club, you are required to complete both the treasurer’s training course and secretary’s training course for your club to be certified.
    • If you are serving in both roles, ensure your Club Officer Report reflects this, so your club may be certified.


Mary Frances Forbus
Senior Director of Member Relations & Strategy

Questions about leadership training or certification? Contact