For the last two years, the Civitan International board and its committees have looked at whether there is a need for a different leadership structure for districts (or regions) that would support clubs in a more fruitful way. The concept of a leadership council has been devised and detailed as a possible route. This concept would replace a district board/office structure (Governors, GEs, etc.). Many Civitans have asked how these would work. A link to the job descriptions for each of the seven positions of the council is below, as well as an interest form for any Civitan wanting to be a part of the council.
To clarify, the concept of a leadership council is not included as part of the upcoming bylaws proposal presented by the board for ratification at the 2022 Civitan International Convention. The shift to such a structure could happen based on board approval alone. So again, if you are interested in being a part of the leadership council in your area, please fill out the interest form and submit it via the instructions on that form.
- Volunteer Description – International Director
- Volunteer Description – Member Development Chair
- Volunteer Description – Member Engagement Chair
- Volunteer Description – Junior Civitan Coordinator
- Volunteer Description – Marketing and Communications Chair
- Volunteer Description – Philanthropy Ambassador
- Volunteer Description – Planning and Procedures Chair
- Interest Form for Leadership Council