Please read this information carefully before registering, as well as the FAQ located on the sidebar of this page.
Due to the ongoing pandemic restrictions going on across the world, the Civitan International Board of Directors voted to give a one-time exemption to the Civitan International Bylaws to allow for a “hybrid convention” in 2021. There will be two options for members to attend: in-person in Jacksonville or virtually through their personal computer/device. International Elections and voting on the Governance Documents Proposal will still occur during the convention, both for those who attend in-person, and those delegates who register as a virtual participant. Please review the FAQ in the sidebar for more information.
More information will be coming out soon regarding the details of the process, particularly with the virtual participation and online voting experience. Please monitor your email, this website, and the convention Facebook group for any news related to the convention. In the meantime, please ensure your contact information (email and phone numbers) is updated at world headquarters and that your club is taking the necessary steps to be in good standing in order to take part in this unique year for voting. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact growth@civitan.org.
- Hyatt Regency Riverfront, Jacksonville, FL
- Civitan Special Rates: $126.00 per night
- Reservation Deadline: July 2, 2021
- Use this unique link for Civitan Guest Room Reservations
Download our schedule of convention events here!
As of June 15, 2021, the window to designate voting delegates for a club or district closed. No delegates may be submitted at this time, nor may they be substituted.
Online Convention Registration is now closed. If you plan to join us in-person for the Jacksonville international convention, please email Mary Luck (mary@civitan.org) to let her know. Include in your email the type of registration (Civitan Event Package, Civitan Registration Only, etc.) and any tickets you wish to include and for whom. Thank you! We look forward to seeing you.
Save room in your suitcase! We will be collecting supplies for the North Florida School of Education. Download the flyers with all the details and information here.
Download the full 2021 Convention Program here.
Although several areas have lifted restrictions related to the pandemic, we have taken precautions to help ensure a safe environment. Your registration bag includes a mask and hand sanitizer. At this time, mask usage is encouraged but not required by the Hyatt. Civitan will follow the guidelines of our host hotel and/or local government, which are both subject to change over the period of the convention. Seating has been arranged with social distancing in mind. Please help us ensure the safety of all attendees.
The Hyatt does not have a designated airport shuttle, however, a third party company has recently resumed service. Please use this link – www.supershuttle.com/locations/jacksonville-jax/ – to make your independent reservations, if you prefer this type of service over a taxi or rideshare.
In-person voting delegates will receive their voting credentials on site, during the dedicated voting time on Thursday from 1:00pm-8:00pm EDT. Once you pick up your credentials, you will proceed to tables in the voting area that have iPads to complete your ballot. You will not be able to use your own devices to cast your vote.
The policy that guides the First Business Session has recently been revised by the Civitan International Board of Directors. Please take note of the copy of those rules in your registration bag.
Many of us have many special people who make our lives full and wonderful. The Civitan family has also lost so many over the past 2 years – those who have proudly carried the torch for the mission we celebrate. Honor someone special with a Flower of Fellowship during the convention. You may purchase flowers until Friday, July 30 at 5:00 pm. by visiting the Philanthropy Desk, or online now using this link.
It’s not too late to join us for Walk & Roll! This fun and festive fundraiser benefiting the Civitan International Research Center will be held Thursday afternoon, July 29. Sign up at the Philanthropy Desk in person, or online here.
Dress to stay cool. Requested attire is business casual for most general sessions, the President’s Council Social, and workshops. A good rule of thumb: almost anything can count as “business casual”, with the exception of cut-offs, tank tops, or flip flops. For those including the Saturday night Installation Banquet in your registration, dress is appropriate after-five attire.
Self-parking in the Hyatt’s adjoining parking deck is being provided to Civitans at a discounted rate of $15.00 per day.
Why did the Board make an exception for this year?
COVID restrictions vary around the world and in some countries, travel is prohibited – especially if you are coming to the United States. Considering this year’s election was one of the organization’s most important in several decades, board members felt it was essential to not exclude those who couldn’t travel because of government mandates. This plan allows for any club in good standing from across the world to present delegates to vote in this year’s election.
Are there any unique rules for this year's election since it is hybrid?
Yes, one important rule this year will be there will be no “standby” voters. If the designated voting delegates do not register to allow voting or place their vote, there is no way to substitute in other voters using the system we will have as well as having both the virtual participation vote and the in-person vote happening simultaneously online.
In addition, there have been some conventions where the votes on amendments or changes to governance documents have been held on the convention floor. That cannot happen this year due to the two different participation options, happening at the same time. Candidate races and any governance documents proposals will be on the same ballot.
Will the In-Person Convention be the same or different to what we're used to?
The in-person experience will be very similar to what it has always been, except with COVID-19 preventive measures. International elections and voting will take place with in-person registrants taking part in the certification process and placing their votes. Aligned events like the President’s Council reception, the Civitan International Annual Breakthru Golf Benefit, and the Welcome Party will all still be taking place. The virtual participation experience will include online admittance into the First & Second Business Sessions and Membership Extravaganza, and includes the opportunity to vote in International Elections and governance documents proposals, if applicable.
What changes can we expect for in-person voting?
Instead of a paper ballot, voters will use I-Pads in the voting area. Credentials will be handed out for each voter as they check-in to vote. The voter will use their credentials at the I-Pad station to place their vote. Voting will happen only on one day, after the first business session.
How will virtual voting actually work?
Civitan International will be utilizing elections software to help with the online voting process. Certification will take place, and measures are being taken to ensure voting is secure and compliant to our bylaws and policies. Any voting delegate participating in this year’s online process will need to have access to e-mail in order to participate. There will be no exceptions for those who do not have email addresses and internet capabilities. Once you are registered, your information will be confirmed and passed along to the election software company under strict secure measures. That company will send out an email in advance of the election to confirm the voter and share next steps. An additional email will be sent out prior to Thursday, July 29, with each voter’s unique credentials (username and password). Virtual voters will also be directed to a website in which to place their vote with their credentials once voting is open.
Will the certification process be different with this new virtual option?
Club presidents will be asked to assign/identify their respective club’s voting delegates using an online form that will be introduced in April. From there, the club’s information as to its own certification and whether it has fulfilled the qualifications of a Civitan Club in good standing will be reviewed. Virtual voters will get an email in advance of the election to confirm their inclusion as a delegate. In-person voters will check-in with members of the election committee prior to voting.
How will virtual registrants take part in general sessions?
If you register as a virtual participant for the 2021 convention, you will be able to vote and witness three general sessions, including First Business Session, Elections Business Session and Membership Extravaganza. These sessions will be live streamed via the internet similar to Zoom meetings.
What COVID-19 Precautions will be taken at the In-Person Convention?
The organization will be following any regulations put forth by the CDC and governing authorities in Florida (which could include social distancing, wearing masks, etc). In addition, the hotel has put into place procedures like packaging food separately and setting less seats at a table to allow for space between participants. Overall, you are participating in-person at your own health risk in relation to COVID-19. Any in-person participant will be required to sign a waiver that explains this in detail.
What waivers, releases and policies are in place, that I should know about before registering?
We are so excited to host our 2nd Annual Walk and Roll for Research as a hybrid event this year! We loved seeing all our clubs and members embrace this great fundraiser, and we are excited to offer it again this year. Those joining us in Jacksonville will Walk or Roll along the beautiful river walk on July 29th. Our virtual attendees can walk and roll along with us then or host their own event in July or August. We can’t wait to see all your creativity shine in this unique fundraiser for the Civitan International Research Center!

Join us for the 28th Annual Breakthru Golf Benefit on July 28th in beautiful Jacksonville, FL. Our tournament will be hosted at the Deerwood Country Club Golf Course this year. Registration is $150, and the fundraising minimum is $1,500 for each player. We will tee off at 8:30am, and there will be a post-tournament lunch celebration at the club. This signature event has raised over $5 million dollars to support the Civitan International Research Center. Make plans to join us this year!

Purchase a Flower of Fellowship in honor of or in memory of a loved one or special Civitan. Flowers will be displayed at the Closing Ceremony at the 2021 International Convention in Jacksonville.