Project Purpose
The Civitan-Sparks Clinics is in need of masks for the children being seen at the clinic and their families. Any cloth masks sized for children (over the age of 2) and adults are needed. Donations of bandanas or other face coverings, like no-sew t-shirt masks, are also being accepted.
Please direct questions about this donation opportunity to Sarah O’Kelley at sokelley@uab.edu.
Bandanas or any face coverings. You will also need sandwich bags for packing each individual mask and a box or mailer to ship everything to the Civitan-Sparks Clinics. The following is a reference for cutting fabric for different mask sizes. For instructions on how to make sewn masks and no-sew t-shirt masks, please see the Tasks & Timelines section below.
- Two rectangles of cotton fabric
- 10×6” for adults
- 5×7” for children ages 4-12
- 4×6” for children ages 2-4
- Two pieces of elastic – 1/8” is preferred
- 6” for adults
- 6” for children ages 4-12
- 5” for children ages 2-4
The amount spent on this project is dependent on how many masks your club intends to make and what materials your club decides to use. One yard of fabric can produce three 10×6” squares, five 5×7” squares, or six 4×6” squares. If you are unable to find 1/8” elastics, you can also try using hair ties.
Tasks & Timeline
If your club decides to send bandanas or any other form of ready-made masks, package the items in a mailer and send to one of the following addresses.
If your club decides to make sewn masks, please feel free to use one of the following tutorials as a reference. You’re welcome to use any method you prefer for these masks. Be sure to somehow label masks if there are different sizes. For instance, package each mask into individual sandwich bags and label the bag, or use a tag.
(Optional) Print and cut the Face Mask Tags found under the Toolkit Resources tab to package with the masks. Write a special note to the recipient of the mask to let them know it was made just for them.
If your club decides to make no-sew masks, please feel free to use the following YouTube tutorials as a reference.
Instructions and materials for this project are to help clubs make non-medical face masks. These masks are not approved by the FDA. See the General Safety guidelines for full disclaimer.
Mail all masks to one of the following addresses based on delivery method:
Physical Address (if using FedEx and UPS): Community Health Services BLDG 19, Suite 307, 933 19th Street South, Birmingham, AL 35205
Mailing Address (if using USPS): CH19 307, 1720 2nd AVE South, Birmingham, AL 35294-2041
Toolkit Resources
Click on any of the following items to download and use for your Face Mask project.
Consider reaching out to local fabric stores to see if they would like to donate supplies for this project. Share a post on social media to ask for supply donations. Be sure to write a thank-you letter to anyone who supports your project. You can find sample thank-you cards you can easily print from home under Toolkit Resources above.
This project does not require sponsors.
If you are seeking donations of supplies, consider sharing a post on social media or in community bulletins.
General Safety
Cloth face masks are not medical-grade. These products have not been cleared or approved by the FDA. It is recommended that masks should be washed before used.
Additional Safety Precautions
Here are some additional safety precautions to consider to support social distancing practices.
Assemble masks in small group settings based on local and state recommendations.
Practice frequent handwashing when working in small groups. Thoroughly wipe down workstations.
This project should not require extended insurance coverage beyond general liability provided by Civitan International.
Champions of Service Spotlight: Topeka Civitan Club and Hope Civitan Club
Members of the Topeka Civitan Club have been putting their sewing skills to work making cloth face masks to donate to residents of a nursing home in their community. Hope Civitan Club President Eva Morehead has also been hard at work producing masks for several emergency medical personnel.

Did your club make masks for the Civitan-Sparks Clinics? We’d love to hear all about it! Send us an email at growth@civitan.org.